Friday, May 3, 2013


Why Quambatook?  Tom lived here with his family during his teenage years.  It was a much livelier town then with two pubs and two cafes.  One cafe was the Boomerang Cafe made (sort of) famous by John Williamson.  John is a Quambatook boy as is Molly Meldrum.  Sad to see the town dying.

Our house... still looks pretty good.

Main St... I think Dad's workshop was the center one with the pointed roof.

This is the bed of the Avoca River directly over the road from our house.  Amazing to see it almost dry.  It was never like this in our time and it actually flooded two years ago.

The Post Office where I worked the night shift on the manual switchboard.  I actually had a bed there and stayed all night.

This section of the river was our swimming pool.  Now there is a concrete pool close by.  That's progress I suppose.

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